Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sping Break

So I think I have class this Friday. Hopefully I am still enrolled in the class and received my financial aid to help pay for my class. I still need to submit my financial aid for next school year. I guess grades are out since someone yesterday asked me what I got and then they told me what they got in their classes. They passed the Saturday class with a B+ so hopefully I got some type of B. I don't want to look right now. Right now I just want to clean my room and study for my CSET. I'm also waiting Ben to invite me to the HK museum exhibition but he hasn't yet. Hopefully he invites me tonight so we can go tomorrow since I have class on Friday and don't want to ruin the date by rushing to get home. Typical Ben getting my hopes up once again for a date night. Since we went out last week this probably means we won't have another one till the end of the school year, like June...sigh... :/ I really want to make us official but how can I when I barely see him.

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