Sunday, March 23, 2014

I Need a Miracle...Like Fast! :/

I need a miracle.  I officially started grad school this week and already I feel overwhelmed and behind.  I still need to buy textbooks, do my homework/assignments, and respond to e-mails.  I need to pay for my classes by April 1st or 2nd and that is coming up soon.  I applied for financial aid but have been having issues with it and just found out on Friday that I applied for the wrong one so now I am worried about how I am going to pay for the two classes I am enrolled in.  I was going to take 3 but it cost to munch and I wanted to ease my way into taking more classes since you have to get an A or B in the class in order to pass. Also, my classes are web based so being not tech savvy I wanted to see how it goes.  Hopefully I'll be done by next year and find a way to pay for my classes.  I missed the information session for paying for classes because of work.  I'll probably end up taking some sort of loan but I just don't what kind yet.  I'm splitting the cost of the books with some people so that will help but some books I do need to buy myself since they are actual physical textbooks.  I am already counting down the days till June 8th when my classes will be over with.  I am also looking into other ways to bring in cash, such as substituting more, looking for the things to sell, and even those get paid cash to read e-mails.  I don't think I'll make that much but it is worth a try.  Why is school so expensive!? :/
I saw Ben on Tuesday (3/18) and he helped me edit my video clips for school.  It was the first time I've seen him since our last date night.  It was sweet that he dedicated the whole night to helping me with my projects because I don't think I could have done it without him and it was spring break.  I wished they didn't take long because I was too tired to have a romantic evening afterwards and I ended up going home after we got something to eat.  Hopefully, we can have date night next weekend, I wanted date night this weekend but he has plans with other people as usual.  I really want to make it up to him since we didn't really have a chance to celebrate his birthday, Valentine's Day and date night.  I was going to bring it on Tuesday when I saw him but I didn't want the chocolates and HK marshmallow pop to melt.   

So for now I'm trying to get much as sleep as possible since I haven't had a decent sleep since getting expected.  I've been having a hard time sleeping because I worry about meeting deadlines, losing internet connection, computer crashing and how I'm going to pay for classes and course material!!!

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